Because Sometimes Parents Need A Good Slap

If your dinner been interrupted by an out of control child screaming on the other end of the restaurant while the parents do nothing to correct the situation, this group is for you.

There is an epidemic of bad parents in our midst. Parents who were either not taught social norms (or who simply don’t care) that their  children do not have the right to drastically interrupt peace of others.


Just as these parents don’t understand failure correct their children’s inexcusable behavior reinforces to the child his or her actions are acceptable, society doesn’t understand (or care) that failure to correct poor parenting reinforces that poor parenting is acceptable.


Less than two generations ago, parents of poorly behaved children would receive the death stare from other parents. A universal and unmistakable look between parents with the meaning that conveyed “you need to do something about your child.”


Embarrassment and shame were cast on the parents of out of control children, something that has gotten lost with the pussification of society.


The goal of Parentslap (on Facebook),, and #parentslap is to reattach the shame and stigma on the parents who fail to teach and enforce socially acceptable boundaries of behavior with their children.


This is a space where everyone can share videos of out of control children and the parents that deserve to be slapped for improper parenting.


Feel free to post and share your videos, the name of the parents (that should be slapped), and where and when it was taken. It would be great to identify and tag some of these people to let them know their actions (or lack of them) do not go unnoticed.


Take a stand against parents whose out of control children scream and disrupt reasonable peacefulness for the rest of us who were able to teach our children manners.

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